James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

Another Causality of Kramobone [ A Warning Against Deception / Dishonesty ] in this space - when are they going to learn the lesson?
8 messages

James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Mon, May 9, 2016 at 6:51 AM
To: Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Jennifer Mattock <jmattock@pillar.biz>
Cc: [My Boyfriend]- <jb-------@-----.---->, cinamon@rockymountaincares.org

Darrell and Jennifer:

Until there is a understanding that these people are really out the streets fending for themselves and where they ought to be --- an agreement they do not deserve to be put into criminal lockup but medical mental care... you are OUT OF SORTS in CONFLICT with me to that UNDERSTANDING -- however that may be.   [ specifically written to Darrell here ]

This is what I am doing about it --- whether or not you remain there inactive and silent.  [ now specifically directed to Darrell and Jennifer ]

This is the FACEBOOK URL:

As far as I know the content on his facebook page is restrictive to established linked friends.  Therefore, in the higher calling of moral responsibility of health, safety and wellness onto these circumstances the following outside URL has been ESTABLISHED of the REPLICANT posting COPY and for that greater good it remains fully outside of all facebook controls PUBLIC TO THE ENTIRE WORLD in memespace confidence divine to ALL TIME HUMAN HISTORY -- thus becomes a part of the noosphere.  [ Unconditionally Unable To Guarantee such state -- but that is my goal none-the-less --- I would need at least $1,000,000 and a cyber site development work project grant to even consider starting such beyond the manual true work human effort here ]

But here is that ON THE WEB LIVE as YOU READ:


But there are two things PREVIOUSLY POSTED ONTO FACEBOOK that is RELEVANT TO THESE CIRCUMSTANCES WHETHER OR NOT YOU WANT TO GET INVOLVED OR NOT INTO COMMUNITY WELLNESS ISSUES.  Yes, I am in on you to for the indifference you show me form the beginning on to what I knew was going to be a hard thing to achieve.




Listen to my new episode Being Lost in a place where peace building is at hand and work. at http://tobtr.com/s/8819577. ‪#‎BlogTalkRadio‬

I am leaving on a walk and when I return I want to know why I was just lied to.

[ to be filled in later ] mawuna.harris/ 22-Apr-2016 19:49 - Note the QR scan code in this folder is expired -- idealally the entire purpose to file this is…

www.blogtalkradio.com|By Awesome Kramobone


Attach to blog talk radio broadcast of this am.

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I told you verbally when you were being EJECTED out the DOOR that you are not welcome here anymore. The reasons are obvious but more to the point that I told you what would be consequences should you violate my directives here. I told you that if you show up to the door UNANNOUNCED that you would LOSE FOREVER your ability to visit here and that I would proceed to place a TRESPASS ORDER with the building manager as soon as that could be arranged. You among a very predictable set of people who visit here have a memesplex disorder thought in your head that I am not serious about what I say. I acknowledge that my last private message in this account was sent to you at 1:57a has gone unread so far.

James Driskill ---> Mawuana Haris

The next person that shows up at my door unannounced after-hours - even so slightly a violation of this directive will have 911 called and a No Trespassing order place againt them from this space and public visible and distributed to anyone in the would that shares their cares.



But there is absolutely nothing your view that you consider it is wrong to do the actions you have done in this space that is so minor that you have the ability to circumvent the directives me [ this space's proprietor and developing genius ] that you have to again VIOLATE my directives on you this morning. This you wait until my guest left. I have no other opinion here that you are stocking and monitoring my apartment from the outside even though one last moment -- you have my Wifi network password and can communicate into this space with a mobile device at your respectful distance of outside before you interrupt and yet cause more oblivion after oblivion and your forced way into my time, energy, and space disrespectfully. There is no other option for you here but to COMPLY. Do not arrive here without arranging that time on normal day time hours -- [ apart from being after-hours ]. THE IMMEDIATE RESULT WILL BE 911 and an OFFICER WILL BE CALLED OUT TO LOCATE AND PICK YOU UP IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD for your creating a disturbing trend that more to less I can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you deserve to be medically screened with a psych evaluation and placed into institutional care for your actions are very apparent and observed by two witnesses here at the Awesome Kramobone Playroom during your longer stay visit.

How can you not see that my overall responsibility here is for your wellness in the factors that you exhibit and my wellness for that reactive symptoms of stress factors I exhibit in counterbalance and then the wellness of my mission work and the safety of first-most everyone within this building? How can you not see this ?

How can you not see how much of a slippery slope of disrespectful [ hidden agendas ] are breaking yourself from your ability to hold a status in here but more importantly in freedom in society?

How can you not see this?



YOU ARE NOT GETTING BACK IN HERE TO RECONNECT AND MANIPULATE YOURSELF INTO A POSITION OF GOOD STANDING WITH ME. AT THIS POINT, YOUR AT THE EDGE OF THE CLIFF --- where every action you are making is being documented to your eventual restrictions of freedom because you cannot follow my directions of COMMON RESPECT AND DECENCY onto this space.


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James Driskill
James Driskill In case there is any question --- this is you on this recording -- no one else but you --- DISRESPECTFULLY knowing that I am here alone now just about an hour after my other guest leaves. I also left to the store, but you must not have observed that ...See More
James Driskill
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James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Mon, May 9, 2016 at 10:21 PM
To: Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Jennifer Mattock <jmattock@pillar.biz>
Cc: [My Boyfriend]- <jb-------@-----.---->, cinamon@rockymountaincares.org
This is the truth to the events of just 9pm the following evening of sending the report this morning.  THIS IS THE ESCALATION OF THE FOLLOWING QUOTE:


Chapter 2: The Internet and the Noosphere

The shaman seers of the Fourth World generally agree
that those who tenaciously cling to the past will fall into
mass insanity. The serpent power of the Aquarian Age is upon us.
The Kundalini of Gaia is about to awaken. No one can avoid being
affected. Most human beings may go out of their minds; others will
go beyond mind."
John Hogue (1

I am working in a community in a supportive role caring for these people -- when these people turn into their most magnificent monster --- all hell breaks lose -- no one can be insulated from the cause and effect by a tenancy and a building security door.   This is truly what I was would assign as my first true observe real-world case in my view --- but what is happening to the world of crazy --- this is already happening in my option else where on the news in story after story..

YOU CANNOT REMAIN SILENT AS THE WORLD AROUND YOU OF THESE PEOPLE COLLAPSES ---- and they go crazy --- because eventually the crazy of MOST will be on your doorstep.  This tonight is the video of that cause to effect.

This is the result of helping people that are in fact beyond my help -- I feel now threatened Beyond help.
this guy needs to be institutionalized I'm telling you

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[Quoted text hidden]

James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Mon, May 9, 2016 at 11:09 PM
To: Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Jennifer Mattock <jmattock@pillar.biz>
Cc: [My Boyfriend]- <jb-------@-----.---->, cinamon@rockymountaincares.org

FYI - this message email has been filed and posted to:

[Quoted text hidden]

James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Mon, May 9, 2016 at 11:10 PM
To: Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Jennifer Mattock <jmattock@pillar.biz>
Cc: [My Boyfriend]- <jb-------@-----.---->, cinamon@rockymountaincares.org

James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Mon, May 9, 2016 at 11:12 PM
To: Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Jennifer Mattock <jmattock@pillar.biz>
Cc: [My Boyfriend]- <jb-------@-----.---->, cinamon@rockymountaincares.org

This URL as been provided to MARK ZUCKERBERG of Facebook:

No community support local -- maybe just maybe I can get one remotely external to us -- for I got my car back thank you much.

[Quoted text hidden]

James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Mon, May 9, 2016 at 11:44 PM
To: Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Jennifer Mattock <jmattock@pillar.biz>
Cc: [My Boyfriend]- <jb-------@-----.---->, cinamon@rockymountaincares.org
From the Adinkra Set of Symbols:
Hye Won Hye: Adinkra Symbol of Imperishability, Endless, Forgiveness, Toughness Hye Won Hye That Which Cannot Be Burnt Imperishability, Endless, Forgiveness, Toughness Hye wonnhye; He who burns be not burned.
[Quoted text hidden]

James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Mon, May 9, 2016 at 11:54 PM
To: Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Jennifer Mattock <jmattock@pillar.biz>
Cc: [My Boyfriend]- <jb-------@-----.---->, cinamon@rockymountaincares.org

And once again, if you do not think that ADINKRA Symbols have intrinsic value of socal
structure order to distribute among the community in social order, you would be again wrong
to just conclude I don't know WTF I am talking about.


BY THIS TIME, Someone should commit themselves to the writing out of confirmed
support of this person writing this to you -- you just cannot sit there in silence.

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Inline image 3
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James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Tue, May 10, 2016 at 12:30 AM
To: Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Jennifer Mattock <jmattock@pillar.biz>
Cc: [My Boyfriend]- <jb-------@-----.---->, cinamon@rockymountaincares.org
background check:
Mawuna Harris
Look at the SEVERITY of CRIMES in this report.  I gave him a clean slate opportunity here o learn something better than what he has been living.

It is now or never when these people see the light of change in the internet advancement technologies or go crazy.

[Quoted text hidden]

Truthfinder Background Report - Mawuna-Harris-Connecticut-5916.pdf