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To: cochoirboy
Subject: fyi -- the url herer was filtered
Date: Thu 09 Jul 2015 09:36 AM

And the fildering of URLs is why I would like this into
direct email -- and I can cross attach related images 
Thank you.

Please Goolge [ HouseKramobone ]

It is always nice to begin at the beginning so let’s
start with what “Kramo Bone” means. Kramo Bone comes
from the Andinkra symbol language and translates to “the
bad Mohammedan makes it difficult for a good one to be
recognized” or “one being bad makes all appear to be
bad.” It is a warning against hypocrisy.

This symbol has many layers of meaning for Todd. He choose
this as the first man-made image he altered his skin with
when he had it branded into the right side of his chest.
Years later, he had a tattoo of it placed on the left side
of his chest. He grew up in the angst ridden years of the
early punk DIY movement and took hold of the notion of
being true to yourself without hypocrisy then. He has
carried that throughout his life and holds this standard in
highest regard.

Our house is built on the notion that no one is
unacceptable so long as he or she is willing to be true to
themselves and respectful of those around them. Our door is
always open to all walks of kinky life – het, gay,
lesbian, queer, gender-fucked, trans, Top, bottom, Dom,
sub, Master, and slave all are equally accepted.

This site is intended primarily to give us a way to
communicate what we do and are with others; we hope that
you find it interesting. This site also allows us to
collaborate and think through, outline, write, and edit our
own thoughts about who we are. Even if we are the only two
folks who visit the site, creating it together has been a


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