Gmail - Nextdoor: When a neighborhood website turns unneighborly - Being deleted for proposing a "Neighbors Helping Neighbors Appreciation Day"
James Driskill <>

Nextdoor: When a neighborhood website turns unneighborly - Being deleted for proposing a "Neighbors Helping Neighbors Appreciation Day"
4 messages

Real Up Human [.net] <>Sun, Dec 10, 2017 at 2:37 AM
Cc: "Terry #Kramobone-The.Good Klinkhart" <>,

Found by a google search [ nextdoor website fear ]

Nextdoor: When a neighborhood website turns unneighborly

Posted: |


Dear Ms Ross,

I am commenting in email to the fact that my site feature suggestion for creating a Neighbors Helping Neighbors Appreciation Day -- One Day Per Week" has resulted in the termination of my account. 

If is rather odd that the HATERS are ALLOWED to RUN-A-MUCK on these websites and I don't believe it is just by mere accident.

My technology start began at the San Bernardino Public Library when I was 18.  I am now 52. I am back living in the family home from an eviction case where the haters had won to my successful eviction in HIV/AIDS housing in Denver Colorado. 

I do not believe it is greatness that we are creating on social media where the haters formed in collective groups outweigh one by one a community member.  These hate collectives are overruling social media because there is no way to control the content they post -- fear memes of complete nonsense at times.  That is their content.  My content is a peace building betterment. I am typically greeted on sites as the outsider to flag and get my comments removed for unjustified reasons.

The memeplex to which these people post and operate online is so predictable.  I don't see how we can allow this to continue.

Do we understand how fear based memes enter the psyche of the community? 

If we continue to allow the haters to win, they create the conditions within some people to not trust anything, anyone, or anywhere they go.  They develop a condition of insanity that is an underlying result that causes events like the shooting in Las Vegas to happen.  Now, I don't know the circumstances of that event to a degree of full truth that he had some stress or aggravating situation in a continuous manner [ long term ] that he was unable to resolve. 

We call that a condition of intractable conflict. 

Under this model and reaching to having no effective control or voice of justice or reason, a break is gonna occur some where somehow.

The fear based model of tools that work the social media site of Nextdoor has been tested now against common sense with my attempt to place upward a proposal and downward the haters on one of these posts.  Both sides of my attempt fail and I think we are heading for a more disastrous future than we want to realize. 

The effort I am placed into obtaining creditably in what is my hometown of San Bernardino.  I am living back in the family home since I was 5 years old.  We have to do something and something quick.  The remedy for which one person on a soap box who understands meme and memetics is trying to get the attention of anyone who will listen.

We cannot continue this model --- I warn you all.

My attempt at creating a Neighbors Helping Neighbors Appreciation Day - has been documented.  Does any one care to listen?  Their site is a site that allows hate to win.  And we cannot allow this to continue.  The solution I am not sure.  We should at least recognize my effort here and the reply I received in response in unintelligent to common sense.

On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 3:56 PM, Nextdoor Support <> wrote:

James Driskill
Subject: Disburbing Trends Of "Informaitonal Warfare" on Nextdoor --- It ain't for that.

DEC 07, 2017  |  03:56PM PST
Amanda replied:

Hi James,

I’m sorry to hear about the frustrating experience using Nextdoor.

Can you provide me with examples of the posts you’re referring to, and explain why you believe they were removed erroneously? Once I have this information I’ll be better able to assist you.

I hope to hear back from you soon.


How did we do? Please rate your support experience.
Great | Good | Fair | Poor |

DEC 07, 2017  |  09:07AM PST
Original message
James wrote:

Description of feature request:

Oh My Sorry Ass for Being One Who Cares of Community "Trust Quotient" levels to a soap box, twice reported my content. And one one be helpful and not hurtful. I am just a slow dumb ass human.

None of my post was hurtful or hateful. It was post was an of attitude of intolerance of it's reverse. I don't like to see what is considered weird conversations out of flow of standards. It looks unusual to say the least when it is obvious there is something other than reality working a post.

I may be off my rocker, but when I know what I see does not logically flow to a state that there is exact oridnative intererest activity in "bad news" reports of community and good news reports go unappreciated. We here in the United States of America --- have allowed the haters to win way way too much to hold ourselves to protect hate collectives such as Harvey Weinstein's set of circumstances. We don't realize what is happening.

Meme to Meme exchanges are taking place without being challenged of the authenticity of the truth. Anyone who challenges fake for being fake is treated badly, hated upon and chastised out of the community level of "clicks" -- this is human nature. We would rather busy our world of interests that seem "busy body" rather than appreciate the roses in the morning and the fresh smells of new experiences. We care only for our routine and anything that ruins that routine --- REPORT IT BAD. Wow, that is a great standard here.

If someone is ringing a bell.... go over them a cookie and a chat. Don't report knocking and ringing and asking for names they don't live at that address as malicious activity from the start. That ain't right. WRONG THREAD to REPORT a PEACE MAKER for attempting a peaceful resolve of what I considered FAKE STARTING POINT POST and the activity it generated. There was at least one other involved in highly activity engaged materials --- the photos show a series of events that don't logically mix. But what do I know?


For efforts, my account has been removed.  There is an underlying problem here of #Conspiracy that i have to also attach.  The matters may in fact be related. This is big --- bigger than we might want to consider it can be this big.  But no matter what -- the facts are the facts, I am unable to login Nextdoor --- my posts reported as "Be Helpful not Hurtful".  Nothing in my post was hurtful or hateful and if you take my proposal forward it was most helpful.

I expect that the CC: in this email here who has been cross posted onto my website here is a aware of the issue and represents the haters side of the conflict.  For he has not returned the confirmations needed that he is out of integrity twice with me  But he remains on file here --- and this one of the reasons why we can't move forward.

[DIR] #Tracy.Klinkhart-DepSheriff-SanBernardinoCounty/                                          
22-Nov-2017 21:03

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Law Enforcement is not appropriating priority in the right areas against the meme fear to meme fear to meme fear and the meme oblivion to meme oblivion to meme oblivion that is occurring in our communities.

First the fear is not true. If all that is showing is true, it's abnormally hot to watch the activities online and therefore interesting.  Boring good stories go unnoticed.

Then the oblivion side that are happening by way unbalanced interpersonal relationships that have conflict unresolved that occur when there is no control methods to fix it.  Then the hate and harassment like I received with no avenues to address it. 

My Nextdoor post that was flagged for deletion was in revision/draft mode and I copied it over to Facebook before I went to bed.  I thought i had made some inroads with Nextdoor,..... but it was all just a fantasy. 

James Martin Houser
December 8 at 1:59am ·<--- Click To View Fulll On Facebook

On Nextdoor, this I posted: [ ]

Neighbors Helping Neighbors Appreciation Day -- A Day Each Week -- for all to enjoy more of life.

Posted to Nextdoor Contact us, I figured it would get restricted... but it did not.

[ continues... ]

I have on twitter the record of thanking them for the opportunities to address the issues, then had to of course revoke that position and request my account get restored.

The history on twitter is found by searching
   twitter search [ @nextdoor @gruwup ]

----------- [ The Showing of Site Agenda is Apparent In This Volley reply ]-----

On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 3:56 PM, Nextdoor Support <> wrote:

James Driskill
Subject: Disburbing Trends Of "Informaitonal Warfare" on Nextdoor --- It ain't for that.

DEC 07, 2017  |  03:56PM PST
Amanda replied:

Hi James,

I’m sorry to hear about the frustrating experience using Nextdoor.

Can you provide me with examples of the posts you’re referring to, and explain why you believe they were removed erroneously? Once I have this information I’ll be better able to assist you.

I hope to hear back from you soon.



When if they are trying to relate to posts that have been deleted, examples are not available to submit. Mine was captured to the showing of site bias to the contentious allowance of hate on their site.

What good can be done when all of the haters flag the good away from the community and continue to meme send fear into it?

I have an informational technology proposal that is on the table of things to offer.  But no one can come up from their level with integrity with me and move this community matter forward with true working solutions.  We have a problem trusting each other.

#TheHatersHaveWon and I want to change my Country to some other place where haters are not allowed to win. Another Las Vegas Shooting due to the community "trust quotient" in the gutter and more and more oblivions are meme launched into our communities.

5h5 hours ago

Nextdoor neighbors fueling crime fears |

Social media site Nextdoor is like a neighborhood watch for the digital age. Does the prevalence of crime-related posts reflect increased danger, or do they just incite fears?
You visited this page on 12/9/17.
Sep 1, 2015 - There's a true culture of fear that pervades some posts on Nextdoor, with maybe a small minority using that fear to justify subtle — or not so subtle — forms of racial profiling. “You can't choose your neighbors,” says Andy Smith. He is the co-author of “The Dragonfly Effect,” a book on social media, and is the ...
Mar 27, 2015 - The online communities are private; you can only see your neighbors, but users are also able to view updates from a dozen or so nearby communities. ... It's the ultimate app for fear-mongering because it contains very little actual data, only people's perceptions, which aggregate in a way that makes it feel ...

Nextdoor, the social network for neighbors, is becoming a home for ...

Mar 24, 2015 - There were new messages from agitated neighbors on the localized social network Nextdoor, warning the neighborhood about "sketchy" men—one in a "white hoodie," the other "a ... "There seems to be a culture of fear on Nextdoor, where anytime someone feels fear, they call the police," Mickiewicz said.
You visited this page on 12/9/17.


Q&A: Nextdoor CEO explains how the social network is cracking down ...

Aug 24, 2016 - nextdoor (Photo via Nextdoor). Nextdoor, a social network for neighborhoods, has exploded in popularity in recent years, igniting controversy along the way. Critics say the site encourages fear of outsiders and racism among neighbors — and Nextdoor is responding to them in a big way. Previously on ..


Dep. Sheriff Terry Klinkhart:

This is my mission work and are you driving me out by not addressing the true issues. You are driving me out by not responding to this issue about violating the property rights of the owners here at the home on Grande Vista. 

Time to speak up and be heard.

Index of /#Kramobone-The.Good/#Tracy.Klinkhart-DepSheriff-SanBernardinoCounty

Icon Name                                                                          Last modified      Size  Description
[DIR] Parent Directory - [DIR] #EMail/ 19-Nov-2017 19:22 - [DIR] $Email/ 09-Nov-2017 19:04 - [DIR] CallRecordings/ 22-Nov-2017 21:03 - [IMG] Business Card [ #Kramobone-Trust Binding ].jpg 19-Nov-2017 12:49 157K [IMG] Business Card [ Squared to A Possible Use as An Avatar - Gravatar Image ].jpg 04-Nov-2017 18:08 140K 19-Nov-2017 18:15 6.3M

Real Up Human [.net] <>Sun, Dec 10, 2017 at 8:14 AM
Cc: "Terry #Kramobone-The.Good Klinkhart" <>,, chris berger <>

Add CC: Doctor Berger, San Bernardino County Heath Department -- STAND UP AND BE ACCOUNTED FOR DR. BERGER!


 I am sick and tired of writing, this at a best hand possible...... I am not perfect.  If scholarly writing is what you will receive --- WE ARE ALL DOOMED!


I am appending the current recommendations.  But what about #Conspriacy
wider and bigger than anyone care to put their mind unto. 

Nextdoor is a website run by the haters --- and their are these hater groups everywhere,  I do not believe the full government is under the controls of this situation.  There are isolated pockets of outside of normalcy events happening.  I am the one who had recognizized it -- in memeplex patterns --- across the nets that is currently writing to you.

As this address here

Things You Can Do To Help Graphic

This blog contains posts highlighting things everyone--not just powerful people, not just important or rich people--but everyone of us--can do to help limit the dynamics that lead to destructive and intractable conflicts. 

Things You Can Do To Help Home | AboutFollow | Join Discussions

Things You Can Do To Help

YES EXACTLY.... That is why I have BasicHumanNeeds Directories In The Following Locations..  [ ADULT ORIENTED CONTENT ]  -- RATED X!   --- RATED G.

Gravatar --- an option to be able to customize accounts to an extension of ratings are as follows....

G to X --- There is a solution on the web to bring

content into view that is more than just civil "politically correct" speech.  But no one is listening to me.

Listening to the content here --- fully wisdom wise --- --- if the admin of a website like NextDoor in the current models of post comment stream "rules of conduct" -- there is no debate when a collective hate group controls a particular section of a group or even as I claim on Wikipedia, they are holding a definition of an article hostage.

This means there is no debate of truth.  This model has the flaw --- in collective intelligence --- even in the wiki model.

LISTEN TO THE FULL AND COMPLETE RAW VERSION IN SPOKEN VOICE TEXT NARRATIVE:   -- btw, the brackets here make it impossible to use this content as a sub domain direct reference folder.  Technology speaking, it is a temporary setup directory.  Take the [  ] out, and the directory could be referenced as -- [ which can still be defined -- but has to be defined from the root of the domain ] -- anyone understand technology...? that means DEBATED CONTENT.

Index of /[WebDomains]/

This image reflects the extension of #Makta.Pond onto this example:

Inline image 1

[ reference index below -- this article is being held HOSTAGE from the truth -- and the consequences of violations of privacy in cyberspace transactions are grave.  My additions as account REALUPHUMAN on that page unable to be validated.  On that page, there was someone who looked like they either were kidding around or was attempting to code a script [ AI ] of verified admin controls to the review of comments in Talk that were being censored of this article. When I got there, this was already a part of the record stream.  Instead of validating my content --- with civil dialogue, they ran the course the same -- there is a hate group collective holding this article hostage  from the truth. Believe it or not, I know what the F I am talking about.  The reference to meth in the article is over-emphasis to an homophobic presentably, which is scientifically not true.  Even in spoken voice text - the PNP translates to Plug and Play not Party and Play and the confusion begins no where in the original definition is meth mentioned. If you took a survey of real truth, you would realize how bad this article is hostage to effect the lives of all people --- not just those who are using meth -- because of the terms.  Use of "420" for marijuana does not reflect PNP --- PNP only Plug and Play then added Party and Play with no reference to what kind of drug it is.  The meth culture is now using a different terms now anyway to reflect this confusion gone run-a-muck to the use of a term is homophobic here in this definition.  

Gun Control is Less an Issue than Meme to Meme Control to reduce the number of negative impacting memes that are being sent into our communicates

See Noosphere below.....


Index of /[WebDomains]/    -- I am sick and tired of writing the truth and no one paying any attention to me -- when I am the one who holds something worth discussion -- and fear is set into every culture....

Recombinant Mememtics is the answer you all.

What is a memespace is defined in noosphere.

Listen to both audio parts. I am worth opening your text books to relearn some science and understanding.

Index of /Meme/Noosphere

Icon Name                                            Last modified      Size  Description
[DIR] Parent Directory -
[SND] NooSphere - Google Search ( dec 26 2015 )-1.mp3 16-Aug-2016 12:05 2.0M [SND] NooSphere - Google Search ( dec 26 2015 )-2.mp3 16-Aug-2016 12:05 1.4M [TXT] NooSphere - Google Search.html 26-Dec-2015 18:36 227 [IMG] overtime-graph.png 16-Aug-2016 12:05 5.1K

Theory and History of the Noosphere - Foundation for the Law of Time

The Noosphere - literally, “mind-sphere” or Earth's mental sheathe - is a word and concept jointly coined by Édouard Le Roy, French philosopher and student of Henri Bergson, Jesuit paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and Russian geochemist, Vladimir Vernadsky, in Paris, 1926. At the root of the primary definition of ...

We are In The Quickening -- as the Adinkra Symbol says Time Changes -- An Hour Glass Glass Symbol --- as this is time out --- check mate on the haters ok?

[DIR] #Only-Rational-Thinking/                       
05-Nov-2017 00:09 -
Inline image 2


[Quoted text hidden]

Real Up Human [.net] <>Sun, Dec 10, 2017 at 9:05 AM
To: Martha Ross <>,, " Jackson" <>
Cc: "Terry #Kramobone-The.Good Klinkhart" <>,, chris berger <>

Mr Burgess,

Posted at very own is this --- Standards --- Overtones - and  Father, Son, and the Unholy Ghosts.

The haters are the ghosts -- and I expect my content that I have sent to you reviewed link by link QR scan code by QR scan code -- as what is standards --- esp considering that I have had an 11 month RECENT hate and harassment conducted by the COLORADO HEALTH NETWORK embedded racist internal of that organization.

The model to reach for -- is out of the box - when these haters are in control of networks and organizations at the leadership tiers of the organization.  Something -- someone -- has to knock them off their high-horse so they can be humbled back down to some sanity and rational thinking.

Marlon Riggs has 3 separate AIDS QUIT PANELS on the display.  This along with Essex Hemphil.

They being black gay men are spinning in their grave. The model that remains is Dr. Isaac Jackson's work with the Urban Survivors Union and the Harm Reduction Model.  The model only works in complete convidentiality and we have not been living such -- we have been living with a breech of computer cyber privacy with the sites of adam4adam it is showing still on site.  This has a cyber-dimention of thought truth.  This #ConspiracyExposed is greater than all  you care to ponder your thoughts onto.  But it is real... the example here of Nextdoor and the good nature solution to bring forward --- Neighbors Helping Neighbors titled is addressed in community peace building #02 -- they have been scientifically wrong for so many years -- they can't release their creation of deception.  I am telling you -- it don't matter who what why where or how -- it must be  released NOW!


[DIR] Emoji/                                                    
19-May-2017 03:09 -

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I am not holding prevaricating ideals standards -- they are --- they keep silent --- including Dr. Berger Here.


I keep writing -- when no one is listening.  I am really sick and tired of seeing Marlon Riggs work and Essex Hemphil Work and Dr. Isaac Jackson's work disrespected -- universally a CHANGE IN STANDARDS must apply.




by Marlon Riggs




mericans have always been more and at the same time less than what we pretended. With the quickening approach of the twenty-first century, greater numbers of us are giving testament to this inescapable fact, challenging the cozy myths by which America has been ritually defined. Who are we? Who are we becoming? Who and what have we been? In the next century, can we even continue to speak (could we ever?) of a collective "we"? For the longest, of course, these questions had simple answers.

America was white. America was male. America was heterosexual. America was Christian. America, above all, was a melting pot into which diverse cultural communities gleefully descended to achieve the social and ideological transformation necessary for inclusion within the American Dream. That many of us--marginalized and oftentimes invisible Americans of African, Asian, Latino and Native descent, as well as women and the working poor--never quite melted and metamorphosized according to this traditional prescription for social progress, hardly mattered. The great distance between the Dream and our actual lives was not due to any fault in the Dream: the defect was in us. The Dream thus survived intact, its seductive power sustained by America's stubborn refusal to look too closely at the hidden but terrible costs of "the good life" and at who actually could--much less wanted to--afford it.

The sixties, of course, spotlighted the complex oppressive regime of thought, politics and culture which underlay the myth of America. For the first time in U.S. history, the ideological fabric of white heterosexual patriarchy was exposed for the life-constricting straightjacket it had always been. Despite conservative attempts during subsequent years at repair, the old social fabric has been steadily unraveling. Thus we have arrived at this present moment, wherein a nation historically averse to serious introspection now exhibits--in its politics and popular media as well as its universities--an almost obsessive reflexive preoccupation with our national identity.

To be expected, much of the current debate is simply a re-hash of old opinion--an attempt to forcefully rebut and undercut the de-centering politics of radical multiculturalism (i.e., the kind of multiculturalism where difference actually makes a differ-ence). Bring back the melting pot. Restore "traditional values." Re-institute prayer in schools. Preserve the primacy of Western civilization (the only one that matters anyway). And not least, protect that critical bedrock of American greatness, "the American family": such pronouncements reveal an intense, even pathological desire to perpetuate a thoroughly obsolete myth of America, and through this, a repressively orthodox system of sociocultural entitlement.

hile the ideas of conservative/fundamentalist America are hardly new, the typically strident pitch with which such ideas are now being argued betrays how acutely anxious many conservatives have come to feel, due to both real and anticipitated loss of privilege and power. What is more, arch-conservative rhetoric--as should be evident to anyone watching our presidential elections for the past quarter century--has found a certain public resonance. Difference, in the traditionalist outlook, has been regressively equated with disunity; and disunity with profound social chaos and collapse. Just as nature abhors a vacuum, so, it seems, do many Americans with regard to the social-political myths by which they organize and make sense of their lives. Even a fundamentally flawed, repressive, inequitable social order seems to many better than none at all. A clear imperative thus confronts American progressives--that intricate (and frequently fragile) web of communities comprised of people of color, feminists, gays and lesbians, the poor and working class, as well as ethnic whites who value ethnicity, indeed all who have been systematically disenfrancised and dehumanized under the once ascendant "traditional values" of pre-Civil Rights America.

It's no longer enough, if it ever was, to critique interlocking systems of oppression without offering affirming alternatives of how society should and can reconstitute itself. As we move into the inevitably more demanding multilingual, multicultural environment--both nationally and globally--of the next century, our greatest task will be an inversion of the commonly assumed equivalence between difference and disunity. We must re-write this equation, demonstrating again and again that unity does not require unanimity, that unity--that is, a sense of social cohesion, of community--can and does derive from the expression, comprehension, and active nurturing (and not merely tolerance or fetishization) of difference.

This is the new standard of civilized life that now demands our urgent labor, a new world order, if you will, that subverts traditional conceptions of social order: a standard which in effect subverts the meaning of the word "standard" itself. For the new order must be comprised of multiple standards: shifting, open-ended, dynamically transforming, so as to engender ways of thinking and living that privilege no one set of cultural differences over another but affirm virtue in all.

This perspective forms the key inspiration and overarching theme in STANDARDS. Page after page eloquently testifies to the commitment of a new generation of America's best and brightest to shaping a radically redefined vision of our future, where old repressive dualisms of race, class, sexuality, gender and nationality no longer reign--a future in which not merely some but all of us are free to explore and express our richest humanity.

Marlon Riggs
Oakland, 1992





MARLON T. RIGGS was a producer, director, and writer, who graduated with honors from Harvard in 1978, and received the MA from UC Berkeley, where he later taught Documentary Film in the Graduate School of Journalism. His films include Tongues Untied, the acclaimed account of Black gay male life; and Ethnic Notions, for which he was awarded the Emmy. Mr. Riggs' work has been published in the anthology Brother to Brother, as well as in arts and literary magazines, including High Performance, Black American Literature Forum, and Art Journal. A media activist, he testified before the U.S. Senate, and wrote extensively on the issue of censorship. Mr. Riggs was also on the policy committee of the national PBS, and served on various other panels, including the National Endowment for the Arts. Marlon T. Riggs died of AIDS-related complications in 1994. We remember him with deepest respect and admiration.

Riggs' final film, Black Is...Black Ain't, was shown across the nation, to much acclaim.
More information on the press release at this link.

 "Introduction to STANDARDS: V5N1" © 1992, 1995 by Marlon T. Riggs.
 Original Graphic Images ©1995 by Lenni J. Calipo
 Journal Contents Page

About Standards


 There will always be nuisance.
or I could let myself be captured
by the magic flute of satyrs
who would gently lure me to entrapment
to drink my blood
for one more day of life.
If in my substance
it could be conveyed
how little I give a damn about tomorrow,
the length of my trousers,
the circumcision I didn't agree to,
the daily shave, the score, the mythology.
Would they be shocked to discover
contempt clinging to my cells like algae.
Nuisance: dying to assuage insanity.
Religious fervour. Moral pandemonium.
The unexpected lurks near the hours
you thought private.
What will you accept
in exchange for your silence?
What life do you want
for one more day?
If it's a better vision
let's die here, a soldier's death,
the death of tulips -- and spring.
If blood and flesh will win us
a new world that is not a token
or a statue covered in pigeon shit.
"Overtones" © 1987, 1996, 2002 by Essex Hemphill
This piece appeared in the first edition of the companion book Tongues Untied: Poems by Dirg Aaab-Richards, Craig G. Harris, Essex Hemphill, Isaac Jackson, Assotto Sainte (London: GMP, 1987). Reprinted here by permission of the author; the Frances Goldin Literary Agency; and the Hemphill family.
 Original Graphics © 2002 by Emmanuela Copal de León
Next Work
Hemphill Tribute Page
Contents by Contributor/Title | Contents by Genre

About Standards


 "Ghosts," by Emmanuela
We are not always
the bravest sons
our fathers dream.
Nor do they always
dream of us.
We don't always
recognize him
if we have never
seen his face.
We are suspicious
of strangers.
is he the one?
I stand waist deep
in the decadence of forgetting.
The vain act of looking the other way.
Insisting there can be peace
and fecundity without confrontation.
The nagging question of blood hounds me.
How do I honor it?
I don't understand
our choice of angers,
your domestic violence,
my flaring temper.
I wanted tenderness
to belong to us
more than food or money.
The ghost of my wants
is many things:
lover, guardian angel,
key to our secrets,
the dogs we let sleep.
The rhythm of silence
we do not disturb.
I circle questions of blood.
I give a fierce fire dance.
The flames call me.
It is safe. I leap
unprepared to be brave. I surrender
more frightened of being alone.
I have to do this
to stay alive.
To be acknowledged.
Fire calls. I slither
to the flames
to become birth.
A black hole, gaseous,
blisters around its edge,
swallows our estranged years.
They will never return
except as frightening remembrances
when we are locked in closets
and cannot breathe or scream.
I want to be free, daddy,
of the black hole between us.
The typical black hole.
If we let it be
it will widen enough
to swallow us.
Won't it?
In my loneliest gestures
learning to live
with less is less.
I forstalled my destiny.
I never wanted
to be your son.
You never
made the choice
to be my father.
What we have learned
from no text book:
is how to live without
one another.
How to evade the stainless truth.
Drug pain bleary-eyed.
Store our waste in tombs
beneath the heart,
knowing at any moment
it could leak out.
And do we expect to survive?
What are we prepared for?
Trenched off.
Communications down.
Angry in alien tongues.
We use extreme weapons
to ward off one another.
Some nights, our opposing reports
are heard as we dream.
Silence is the deadliest weapon.
We both use it.
Precisely. Often.
 "The Father, Son and Unholy Ghosts" © 1996, 2002 by Essex Hemphill
This piece appeared in the first edition of the companion book Tongues Untied: Poems by Dirg Aaab-Richards, Craig G. Harris, Essex Hemphill, Isaac Jackson, Assotto Sainte (London: GMP, 1987). Reprinted by permission of the author; the Frances Goldin Literary Agency; and the Hemphill family.
Original Graphics © 2002 by Emmanuela Copal de León
Next Poem
Hemphill Tribute Page
Contents by Contributor/Title | Contents by Genre

About Standards


Isaac, when will they listen?

 I want to change my country to some other country that does not allow hate to win.  I am serious!  

Real Up Human [.net] <>Sun, Dec 10, 2017 at 9:26 AM
To: Martha Ross <>,, " Jackson" <>, Isaac Jackson <>
Cc: "Terry #Kramobone-The.Good Klinkhart" <>,, chris berger <>
This Email Thread Is Web Archived and Index To:

[DIR] #Tracy.Klinkhart-DepSheriff-SanBernardinoCounty/                                          
22-Nov-2017 21:03

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[TXT] Gmail - Nextdoor  When a neighborhood website turns unneighborly.html   
10-Dec-2017 06:29

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>> They being black gay men are spinning in their grave. The model that remains is Dr. Isaac Jackson's work with the Urban Survivors Union and the Harm Reduction Model.  The model only works in complete confidentiality and we have not been living such -- we have been living with a breech of computer cyber privacy with the sites of adam4adam it is showing still on site.  This has a cyber-dimention of thought truth.  This #ConspiracyExposed is greater than all  you care to ponder your thoughts onto.  But it is real... the example here of Nextdoor and the good nature solution to bring forward --- Neighbors Helping Neighbors titled is addressed in community peace building #02 -- they have been scientifically wrong for so many years -- they can't release their creation of deception.  I am telling you -- it don't matter who what why where or how -- it must be  released NOW!

As time goes on -- -more and more complexity is added onto the noosphere of the current information web.  We must rewrite this equation of standards.

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I have the model of working order --- and you all know it.  Why would I have such a backlash of interference within a community --- the haters come calling after me when they know I am in town.

Well, they know I am in town San Bernardino.  So let's begin the HATE and HARASSMENT CAMPAIGN ONE MORE CYCLE AND


Just listen to reason and rational thinking for a moment.   eh?

I am done writing anything anymore -- PROMISE GODDESS NO MORE WRITING.