James Driskill <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>

Fwd: Projecting future time discussion meeting [ whenever ] -- adaptive thinking
1 message

James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 4:03 AM
To: GRUWUP NET <gruwup.net@gmail.com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 8:04 PM
Subject: Projecting future time discussion meeting [ whenever ] -- adaptive thinking
To: Cinamon 'The Spice Of Life To Makes Nice' Romeo <cinamon@rockymountaincares.org>
Cc: marlonrigg@jsco.net, Mama - Roni Drskill <[email address omitted]>, Dennis Driskill <[email address omitted]>, Debbie Kick <[email address omitted]t>, Clay Darnell <[email address omitted]>, Joy Badwound <j[email address omitted]>, admin@peakwellnesscenter.org, "Isaac Jackson PHD" <[email address omitted]>

Notation of CC: List

Mama - Roni Drskill <[email address omitted]> --- My Mother
Dennis Driskill [email address omitted]> --- My Brother
Debbie Kick <[email address omitted]t> - My Cousin, a RN Practitioner
Clay Darnell <[email address omitted]> -- Family Friend who lives in Colorado
Joy Badwound <[email address omitted] - My Significant Other Boyfriend of Standing.who lives in Cheyenne Wyoming
admin@peakwellnesscenter.org --- Please Forward To Dr. H she is still in employment there.

marlonrigg@jsco.net.for Marlon Riggs Apartments In Oakland CA.
  [ Nancy, are you still there?  You are not noted publicly ]

Nancy of what?  You might ask --- Nancy of BOSS [ Building Opportunities of Self Sufficiency along
with Jude Solaro -- as a former resident of transitional housing at Regent House Berkeley 2002 these are my local Oakland leader ties  --- Oh boy do I have a story to tell   Nancy was the former direct building manager of Marlon Riggs Apartments  ]

Contact Us - Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency

If you are homeless, disabled, or low-income and looking for assistance, please call (510) 843-3700, BOSS's Multi-Agency Service Center. It is open ...

Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS) - Facebook

www.facebook.com › Places › Berkeley, California › Social Services
Rating: 5 - ‎3 votes
Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS), Berkeley, California. 791 likes ... for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS), Lauren Kawana and Nancy Johnson like this.

"Isaa Jackson" [email address omitted]>  Noteworthy
of reference personally known in real time spaces as being an invited and welcomed guest to his home more than one time, and more than two times.... more?   To the relevance to this address of issues presented in this email in the historical relationship of standing onto Marlon Riggs and the documentary film Tongues Untied as being one of the source authors of the poetic works used in that documentary film of the same written words book title.

Freedom in this Village: Twenty-five Years of Black Gay Men's ...

E. Lynn Harris - 2005 - ‎Social Science
Black Ain't and Tongues Untied BRIAN KEITH JACKSON is the author of The View ... ISAAC JACKSON is a founding member of Other Countries and served as ...

Tongues Untied by Essex Hemphill, Assoto Saint, Dirg Aaab-Richards ...

Find great deals for Tongues Untied by Essex Hemphill, Assoto Saint, Dirg Aaab-Richards, Craig Harris and Isaac Jackson (1987, Paperback). Shop with ...

Cinamon, [ My Ryan White Agency Case Manager in Denver Colorado ]

     The Spice of Life that makes Nice.

Please do not question my resolves for matters.  Please understand me.

After the composition is most fully finished in this address, I think "We are sorry -- what can we help in community specifically to you with.  We are now listening." is the appropriate response I am expecting from Pillar Properties and the Building Manager Chesney KleinJohn Apartments Darrell Johnson. .

This being what is my expectation from this address, as my case manager in standing, would you  please forward this to Pillar Properties once you have fully reviewed the content of this email.

Please understand me at a level to which I already have had mental health therapy.  Even though in California, the options to the socialism of health care to what now is Obama Care, when I was in California this was not option offered to me as affordable course of action.  In California at that time, unless I already had an incident of some kind [ typically criminally ] involving drugs and/or behavioral issues to which then and only then the court does give resource to us in that state.

In alternative, I would have had to be placed in intensive direct in hospital care to the level of how bad I was presenting to the assistance I needed for appropriate care from the resources at my available hand to acquire.  That treatment care paid directly from family resources at a level way out of reach of affordability.  It was a major frustration of mine to overcome and a major attempt for what I could get from Foothill Aids Project in San Bernardino for Dr. Howard to offer a referral of any other better resource.  This was in fact the care he suggested our family to follow up at Loma Linda mental heath in care hospitalization. 

Not to really have to mention here since I actually have place this in documentation online, much to the reasons of why this mental treatment was in my case of need is due to events from 2005 into 2006 in a housing conflict very much now similar to events happening here in Denver.

I eventually found myself leaving town unannounced to my family by escaping on a suicidal car driving road trip to nowhere.  Along the course of this trip, I was highly serious to my doom of dumping my car along with me by driving over the side of cliffs as I was driving by in mountain areas.  In the desert of Death Valley, I drove on the wrong side of the road to be opposite of oncoming cars, we call this playing chicken thus turning out of jeopardy at the very last minute. 

Along with these in driving actions of doom gloom activities.  On that hot day I found myself driving through in Death Valley, I got out of my car at a point of interest sight location and started to walk without question to nothingness.  This along what was a dry river bed.  I eventually tired.  I am sure I walked more than 3 miles out before laying down to rest.  I had no motives but to lay there and die.  I tell you this is the truth.  It was almost dead up sun overhead noon when I laid down.  I could not even find a shadow to hold me but cramped into some corner in the rock side and cried to a level I know was unyielding of any one else being able to hear me or listening.

Eventually recovered somehow to resolve to walk back, I am here now.  But this is a very actual depiction of the state of emotional duress I was under while driving these roads during this trip to nowhere.

I eventually found myself heading east on 80 instead of west back to Oakland.  On east bound 80, I ran out of resources for gas to continue driving any longer east at around Cheyenne.  Yes, I am aware that Cheyenne is the Capitol of Wyoming.  That date of arrival was September 11th.  When I stopped in at the Subway Restaurant that is down the street from the Capitol building that I did not yet realize my location to the city, there was a street demonstration heading up the street to what I did not know.  I thought it interesting to find out what this was.  It was the anti effort protest for that day for the Reverend that was making a public statement of protest himself by burning the Quran on that date.

I took this as a sign that whatever conflicts I was in, whatever were my emotional distress holding me down of depression to the unknowing resolve I could see yet, and no matter what state I am working from, there are others that hold my points of view in common bonds I unite a cause to here that day whether I see them in my personal circles of people in community I personally encounter.  I took this as sign I am where I am suppose to be. I went to find the emergency shelter and checked in. This then begins to finally set up what I needed in help.  In that help, I was able to get housing at demand for a out of shelter move date November 1st into individualized independent housing that was filed in that state as HOPWA resources to subsidized my rent portion to $395 a month. The available stock of housing options was all providers of rental units at or below a certain baseline market price. 

This also was a start of what was truly intensive mental health treatment support offered to the community at Peak Wellness Center which I qualified for at $5 copay per visit.   This suicidal trip to nowhere actually saved my life.

This was when I was first diagnosed with Bipolar disorder even though I had presented my symptomatic issues to others in California.  They also placed me on a medication treatment Lithium.  This is a serious medication for serious symptoms in my life to which all of what was presenting to my doctor was the mental states from Oakland conflicts after I was put into HOPWA HOUSING that was  driving this condition of dysfunction forward.  This was not because I was on finally a suicidal trip.

 I should have been diagnosed this condition long long time ago properly.   None the less, it takes "The Equality State" of Wyoming to obtain a proper level care at resource of my affordability even though I have been on disability since 2000 for both presentation of HIV and MENTAL HEALTH in my first filing of disability claim.

But if not for the mental health misidentified diagnoses for so long and then the other common denominator of equation is a working hidden agenda working against me.  I can prove in Oakland with a hacked profile online, it was them and not me. Furthermore here it is same considerations with the documentation of harassment to the level I have and in this harassing ongoing progression they used a deceased person's identity from 2008 that was showing from Truthfinder and this person is supposedly in Mississippi questioning why I initiated a communication to them when I never did.   Personally speaking to this person over the a voice phone call before I did a background lookup on the details of the number.   So later in this same day, this progresses to me calling another totally separate person representing himself that was in chat from GuySpy who's profile is in Denver.

When I called him on his provided phone number, it went to voicemail to which the voice mail recorded name on the system attached to that number did not match the first name I was told I was talking to.

More to the point the recorded name on the voice mail was the first name of the person I was just talking with earlier in the day supposedly Mississippi and the full greeting on that voicemail is the same voice I was talking to in direct voice phone call.  No kidding. The GuySpy app has GPS interface to make the presence of local direct actuate or very near by location tracking to who is online using the app.  That is weird, right?   So that I proved it was them and not me in Oakland with a hacked profile and now that I proved it again unquestionably is them and not me here in Denver in real true extremes of what is normal to be able to deal with and/or cope with.  This is not right to allow to fend for myself as I have actually done.

There is much much more involved to the documentation of record of this harassment.  Maybe they think I will eventually succumb and that this will be wiped offline. 

I may have more command of my behavioral standing today than I did then in Oakland but ultimately I am the exact same man on the exact same course of ideals and constructs and messages attempting to get a voice of concern rather than silence that is needing to be actually disturbed of that silence into proper focus.


Never have I ever had more resistance directed at me at what I would a controlled working hidden agenda that I can qualify and quantify prove is real not imaginary.

In Oakland in 1992, which is the original place of the residing author of the words written as an essay titled "Introduction To Standards V5N1" that is placed online here at Colorado.edu applies more resounding true here than where it was written.  But are you listening?

Also to top that even more over also points to this truth,  I am actually connecting to this same structured educational foundation of merits in my medical care that I receive here in Denver from Uchealth.org in my progression of my HIV/AIDS disease.

As accreditation onto the words I just referenced as it relates to all of us now today working as my focus of needing a discussion meeting from the conversation between us that occurred yesterday shortly after 4pm, this places these words the inability to be silenced from that discussion for the relevance of facts is non-disputable and non-negotiable and how it relates is quoted on that page.

This is an African American man.

Marlon T. Riggs died of AIDS-related complications in 1994. We remember him with deepest respect and admiration.

Further more Mr Riggs Work of Essay cannot be silenced from my discussion and if need be I will have to read by by own spoken voice myself or ask you to read it for me.  Alternative to either of these, I will and shall have the option to have computer assisted technology read it into our foundation of understanding as this foundation is what is lacking to why there is a conflict at all that I can see. 

On December 1st 2015, of course we know this as Worlds Aids Day, I have already presented this as foundation to emails of address.  More to the fault of me now for I am the truly the troublemaker here as public posting to the Chesney KleinJohn Apartments Facebook community page a mention and honor to Mr Riggs. But why I say I am the fault and the troublemaker here is because apparently what  I have say is so true to heart that now today all of what I have had to say onto community is now CENSORED TO PUBLIC VIEW and MISSING from direct LINKING to be PRESENTED to COMMUNITY,

From December 1st froward, I asked several people in view of me at Pillar Properties when I went to pay my rent each month to review my post of Dec 1st.

It might be noteworthy, that even though this man is an African American who holds an Emmy in documentary film and 3 separate AIDS QUILT PANELS onto this entire the honored dead of HIV/AIDS project, no one has ever replied to my readdress of confirming this post online has been read and understood in any kind of way.  That does not negate the facts that I posted it online and that I did in fact request it be read and confirmed read verbally and respectfully to the order of proper foundation of relevance of things.  Further to the insult onto misunderstanding me to the representation that is now being followed by them against me, this is true as well to the honor of this African American man.

Marlon Riggs Apartments / Vernon Street | John Stewart Company

Marlon Riggs Apartments / Vernon Street ... Phone: 510-451-1161 | Email: marlonrigg@jsco.net. Address: 269 Vernon St City: Oakland | Zip: 94610. Region: San ...
You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 11/30/15

This is a full community residency housing apartment under the HOPWA housing residency resource to the community of Oakland exactly like what is Chesney KleinJohn Apartments.

Wow if that does not equate a foundation that is absolute. 

But lets trash 1992 words that still appear here standing in Colorado resource here in the city of Denver as having no current date relevance onto our HIV/AIDS topics in common, take them out reference for the old is not now, which against the truth of that statement holds that there is virtue for anyone to follow.  I will place that out reference for a minor second moment of dishonored mention as ignorance here is so so blissful to the ANNIHILATION that these words were never written and not offered there at our place of resource I hold in my medical care same.

They they never been written ever for even a second of time here in human life to be respected and they are trashed.  For  made a public community post on the Chesney Kleinjohn Community Facebook page, which held both link-to URL and copy/paste excerpts of these words which is it no longer open present as public post to respect,  This as a causality because apparently everything I have written on that site Facebook community page is not deserving to be a unified voice and views of  Chesney KleinJohn Apartments. 

I have included to this email what is the original post converted to spoken voice.  I have the entire post in full in spoken voice from this text.  However is provided here today in July 2016 is intentionally limited to be incomplete from the full post that was visible. In this limited presentation here serves to the end of close the last word spoken here is in the middle of the address complete.

This now is what is at a state of dishonored community messages being forward from me to the unresolved of why the full post now is deleted ---- Is this but forever I do not yet know.

This is mismanagement of a community members post to the administration of this Facebook page onto the Facebook and extended outside interested community members both locally and outside to all of the world globally.  So lets understand all of that is gone -- for now it has been actually trashed.

The January/February of 2016 issue, many months ago, this cover of POZ magazine appears onto the discussion points I would say as expansive of globally but at least nationally of our community.


We are now thrust into the debate if we care or not.  If we do not care,
that's a FAULT OF CHARACTER.  Why should I be faulted for something
when an inner choir of community voices keeps saying STOP SENDING EMAILS
on these relevance.

For I apparently do care.  For a long time now have I cared and for that long time has my voice
of concerns continued to pushed into the gutter of non-relevance to RELATE TO ME at any level
respectful to the direct dignity of me.

This cover of the POZ MAGAZINE depicts a African American male, we assume is HIV POSITIVE by it's being on the cover of this magazine.  This man boldly presenting a statement by hand gesture and position. That depiction is a automatic meme transferred message considered relevant here in the United States citizenry at the very least.   The holding of his right hand pretty much over his heart. 

All of this here to be in discussion points of meeting to hold such standing of association.    

To confirm, we are all citizens of the United States of America right?

As such, the meaning of this meme here, a unit of cultural information transferred from
one mind to another that  I just dissected from this image communicates a message
with no actual words necessary.

 "On My Honor" and overall pride he is saying of himself.  Furthermore, this man looks happy is presentation of order of things.  This is a positive self-esteem image offered to us in community.

Does anyone disagree with that statement of meme meaning or do we all agree?

Your ignorance is no excuse to realize this is the message to relate by the presentation of this by the artistic expression of the photographer onto the cover photo of this magazine.  

It can be only your lack of US CITIZENRY that would give you any form of alternative conclusions onto not agreeing with my position of memeplex holding here to us all to understand the message without words needing to be attached..  The memeplex that is represented here is the meme itself and all that which it sources are formed such as placing your hand over your heart [ alternative allowed to just raise your right hand ] to conduct what is considered a court or deposition or other need when one is given to his word a need or purpose of an Oath.

Google Searching [ notary public oaths ] you will find this first most content delivered as authentic representation of search items to trust first.   The internet did not used to be this way.

Search Results

One of the most important duties of the Notary is to administer oaths and affirmations, which are solemn promises of truthfulness made by a signer, witness, or new office-holder. An oath is a promise to a deity and an affirmation is a pledge on one's personal honor.

How this meme presented on this magazine relaters directly to me?

Even though I do not hold current commissions standing to conduct such practices, I did at one time.  In that process I DO HOLD THE KNOWLEDGE AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF DUTY to which are provided to in service to social community needs of being one respected to be one of that wise.  This is standing here within me whether or not my commission of notary is current or not.  

To my standing here now today to you, I also MUST EXCLAIM the same presence of directed message to you by my wrings here words are to this same standard of integrity  ON MY HONOR upon you to the words these words are written and most every word I have ever written to this cause of community concern that I have defined as being a peace building under the domain of @gruwup.net.




I sit here none the less on my honor and expressing myself in complete honesty and truth.  

Every thing I write is that of my honor to this certificate wise. 

Additionally, if I held such a valid certificate in today's world standing of needs, part of knowing when one cannot accept a document to notarize [ which is a typical function most common people use out of court proceedings use for calling notary services ] or to be able to conduct the administer of an oath upon another person when the notary has some kind of formation at an inkling level there something not right in this circumstance here and the person to whom is being subject to this process is under duress of some kind of collusion or cohesion. 

noun: inkling; plural noun: inklings
  1. a slight knowledge or suspicion; a hint.
    "the records give us an inkling of how people saw the world"
    synonyms:idea, notion, sense, impression, conception, suggestion, indication, whisper, glimmer; More
    (sneaking) suspicion, fancy, hunch, feeling;
    informalthe foggiest (idea), the faintest (idea)
    "I had no inkling of their intentions"
Inline image 2
late Middle English (in the sense ‘a mention in an undertone, a hint’): from the rare verb inkle ‘utter in an undertone,’ of unknown origin.
Translate inkling to

A denial of notary or oath is  required and notation placed into the journal for the public.  In the commission of my role back in 1995 to 1999,  I had never been presented such a case to note.  I do not believe at this point in the law that any form immediate notification required to any form of authority that a notary certification or oath was denied unless it falls under other forms of citizen's reporting requirements.  Such discovery of a dead body or others reporting items such falls under this common decency rule.

As a form of followup reporting requirements of notary, the one that would apply in circumstance here would be when one sees harm is occurring and immediate danger of the health and welfare is at life jeopardy of one person in community themselves or upon another.

On standing principle, then goes onto the history of this important statement made of my mental wellness treatment onto my housing conflicts, concerns, and vulnerabilities.   This the address of resolution has never occurred to this date, this remains subject to this professional mental health evaluation   I still have the original signed copy of this letter in my file.

Inline image 1

As this letter holds true, this situation at hand against me -- again in collision and disguise of any kind of sensible respectful resolution of these issues onto our community to listen to me in whole or in part.... results of such disqualification of distractions and disorders to common messages being placed upon us now I also reference to the #BlackLivesMatter debate even more pressing of unity forward from the issue in January/February issue of Poz magazine!!!!!

This is absolutely the matters which I hold notary holding knowing to be able to define, there is something absolutely wrong happening here that should not be present to which is altering the common flows of conversations into an alternative to resolution unification but divisions forward of their decisions, behaviors, and actions when I am attempting to communicate to others in leadership roles above me in community. 

THIS WRONG HERE TO THE POINT I DEFINE COLLUSION and COHESION to consider what is normal in response to my wring other forms attempts to bring a community awareness of my voice MUST EXIST TO A LEVEL I HAVE AWARENESS TO be able to wisely define and state here.  To that, I offer my best foot forward to which they either unite collectively with no hidden agenda or we must find a more sensible place to air out this conflict.  That be in court so be it.  This is unjustified standings of absolute non-peaceful ways against one community member by a collective.  I can prove that statement without court.  The course of this non-peaceful agenda will be a part of need of presentation to my subpoena process to the facts that I hare already placed onto the web memespace record.  The record I place to the public word of words I hold administration to is the absolute 100% truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Nothing has been slighted to a position -- they call it spin on the newscast opinion cast circles.

Anyone having problem bringong forward my integrity and honor and pride in these matters such as the man on the cover of POZ Magagine has to have their head examined or they are following a hidden agenda.

In my honor of things that do not require words themselves to notate meanings applied to the meme transfer onto collective understandings.  I have used the symbol set of African Origin called Adinkra and 11 of these symbols from the 104 I currently am holding in purpose here in my residency is found on the EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE PAGE here in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA -- even though it is not in Colorado -- lets  again trash this resource of relevancy.

So by doing trashing disrespect of this merit educational source must show some form of RACIAL BIAS against black peoples virtue, wisdom, and in their lives in general and we are not going to allow that to happen here?  Now are we?

For it is not possible to be that so apparently obstinate to my writing or other address here and previous sent.  For these addresses all have this same virtue wisdom and foundation.  Their demands of me as a tenant wishing to not receive these emails or messages of concern and address has no legal foundation of standing to subject my housing status to any form of jeopardy or collapse.

Their refusal to meet me in understanding at any level will be a confirmation of this consideration conjectured opinion here.  No other logical conclusion can be offered to convince me off this position standing if either one or the other refuse to collective meet for discussion and understanding of these issues.  They must be placed into the priority of "work products" we are doing here in community even if that work-project must be placed to a specific named goal and somehow externally funded.

Every address of national leadership messages I have to the position we ought to be taking in our collective decision choices of community, of course, has their detractors. I am not one of them.

But I am bringing awareness to this discovery for you Cinamon, watch this from CNN NEWS that was conducted by New Journalistic Don Lemon, a black man, did you know who now public openly gay?

This has been posted in regards to the subject matter at hand on POZ COVER MAGAZINE to this issue.  To the extremes of insanity controlling one's common senses, this is an public on the air record of what I can consider EXTREME BIAS positions that one can go into attempting to defend the non-peaceful practices I am too also trying to empower. So therefore, why should I not consider this a possible bias from a person directly involved in local face to face circle of community?



Know that has 14 Million Views -- we call that VIRAL!

This is alternative offering of creative words onto the understanding of what is Adinkra onto this POZ COVER IMAGE.  I will define the symbols for the group discussion as necessary.  The definitions of these are found online here..

African Adinkra Symbols& Translation

It is time to become a part of THE-GOOD no matter what you were before. 


It is also time to unite for peace -- no matter what you were before.

@Gruwup ‪#‎Community‬ ‪#‎Peacebuilding‬ Address To Local Denver Area -- Specifically Chesney KlienJohn Apartments L

And this is precursor here as ADDRESS 01A by the address of 01, which holds
the words of POPE FRANCIS address to our congress as FOUNDATION OF MY STANDING
CONTINUED TO BE REAFFIRMED onto my address right course and their dismissal wrong course actions.

[DIR] 01/ 14-May-2016 12:36 -

The Status of Peace Building can only be offered outside of basic survival -- apparently.


You may find your self going to foundation of the root presentation index
resource page at : http://community.gruwup.net --- as an understanding
that this is my work product so far dismissed as holding relevance when
the position of standing I have made to Mr Johnson he replies in
complaint against contains the following video link.

As always there are detractors from the public right of moral paths we should
be taking, I obviously have taken this point of resource to cite even though
I respect the presentation noted by the national leaders.

Just for understanding, if there is not an obvious video presented as a thumbnail
content with a PLAY BUTTON established in this email by first read,
the following the link here
video. would be obvious choice to react to obtain such presentations.

Hillary Clinton

White Americans need to do a better job of listening when African Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers they face every day.

If you would like to take note, onto the POZ COVER issue is notation of this community
peace building shortcut -- which has SPOKEN VOICE TEXT NARRATIVE POPUP INTERFACE.

It is a CLICK AND LISTEN presentation.  There is currently no QR SCAN CODE and listen yet created for community. 

This is written to the address that Barack Obama has been placed to the direct receipt as this is a post on LinkedIn from original post copy and there is an official LinkedIn profile assigned to our president  there.  As I have also commented onto a post of his on LinkedIn, an reintroduction to whom I am and this direct linked address to my conflict resolutions in this community and what I see is really working as "missing elements" not working in several aspects of community betterment offerings I have and attempted to empower for our entire perspective views of peace building over non-peace building methods attached to what are outdated ways to relate to one another.

As Marlon Riggs writes in 1992,

"It's no longer enough, if it ever was, to critique interlocking systems of oppression without offering affirming alternatives of how society should and can reconstitute itself."

That is exactly what I am attempting to do in offering affirming alternatives to which all leaders above me in community roles are not stupid idiots to the content that is created in this alternative offering under my domain set to not realize what I am attempting here.  I give people in general credit than to be more than idiots. 

At this point in the conflict and contention for these many years now, as more and more my materials refined presentation works to now include spoken voice text versions.  These written words around the words of our past so they are given a fresh launch into current era community.  Still this holds no change of thought or direction of mindful consideration that ultimately places people in power over me to not issue threats against me
that if I continue to write out to them these thoughts is a direct harassing offense which it never was which leads to possible housing jeopardy collapse to eviction which it never should have been.

This as an attempt to somehow think I have less sense of doing right  that I would submit to that power of conformity or that I am so desperate to hold or keep my housing at all costs, I will shut the fuck up, sit down, and remain silent.    NEVER NEVER NEVER!

I am actually quite an intelligent person and a person of very resourceful considerations. 

I say long time ago, we should not be at a level of conflict divided fighting anyway in this situation.  We should be uniting forces as we really are a better force of pillar respecting wisdom and respect  working together than either of us can be separate and apart.

Enough of talking about people of the past and they are equated to the same presence of mind as the current levels of people in upper leadership roles in community both in Oakland and Denver. You are one in the same force resisting this tide of change and not listening to me.

I have made a first time -- PRACTICE PRESENTATION in face to face discussion with this person named in this folder: 

[DIR] #Marquas.Damone.Richie/ 18-Jul-2016 03:54 -

I am carrying forward with what I know is my offering to the affirming alternative I am pushing in view of how society should and can reconstitute itself
My most urgent presentation -- which does not include #06 or #01 here 
but of direct relevancy to #01A is about 30 minutes. 

This with the aid of my technology at my reach in this discussion meeting
on my phone no more less than most any other person.

Denial of technology use here is a denial of my case management setup
priorities. That is standing AFFIRMATIVE NON-NEGOTIABLE.

The furthermore possible technology use of tools to record the
audio for this meeting, like many other such other formats are done
in today's world at a business meeting level standing.

The place I would use is LIVE BROADCAST MEDIA of BlogTalkRadio
to which I have already 2 prior recorded sessions.

There is a RESTRICTION of 30 minutes on that FREE OFFERING LEVEL
of FUNCTION to my account. This is my target time of presentation
to this meeting you are so attempting gracious interface for this.
I already know they are not willing to have this meeting with me at all.

To that, I thin you have to decide some directives onto the advice
to them from the foundations presented in this email and they may
be reluctantly come up to the table scratching and clawing
that I have offended nothing but insensible indifference they
are holding in their mind that needs to be nullified out of
existence and they do not understand why this is so important
to follow the right course against their thought of freedom
of will that apparently regard nothing of greatness to what is
actually greatness.

The Sound Of of silence must be disturbed and it must be broken
out the attempt to keep it at all costs.
In the music video presentation, I am this damn angry as well against this silence wall
that keeps being put up to their fault and not mine.   It is time to accept this is
the way of the world and unite peace.    Don't be foolish.

i have  meeting to prepare for -- target date for next Wednesday. I will be most agreeable
and less damn angry when the normal flow of conversation occurring in these

I will try to make Don Lemon  and that interview a model to aspire to hold to not
be pushed out of balance -- pushing my buttons for which they already may know
can be sensitive to be pushed..  Know that I am not fighting nor playing dirty to
attempt to posture debate to win at all costs.  But I know my materials are presented
are wisdom virtue and deserving of being received and there is nothing in the world
to tell me they are but childish presentations and insults of postures that do not hold
retentiveness to exist into the knowledge base of most every intelligent working
person in our world.  The goal point is unification.

So know that I am thinking at a different perspective at the time I enter this position
of perhaps nervousness tension from a true fear based from public speaking and
a characterization of my intentions that is actually placed as hateful when they are not.

When i am in face to face that I know I am the same person who has placed the
sound materials of wisdom and other soundly placed medias onto my domains.

Those are deserving a voice outward to community even if how I am reflecting to
one face to face voice confused does not negate the presence of virtue.

I am not trying call anyone down but to pull people upward.   


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For as with what I offer as this alterative working direction,
is a the actual standing of actualized thruth founation that
#AllLivesMatter, to includes individally the people on all sides
of the table for which will be used in our presence of order.

and my position remains that not one needless death is insignificant
to not noteworthy count, honor, and to never ignore.

[IMG] Hiarchy-of-Needs-Det..> 05-May-2015 02:27 186K [IMG] NSAA - Authentic - @..> 05-Jun-2016 04:31 455K [IMG] maslow-BasicHumanNee..> 05-May-2015 02:27 147K


World Aids Day 2015 Facebook Post[1A].mp3